Inter-Agency Coordination
Vertical is a program in continuity of Sphere India Unified Response Strategy initiated in its third phase. The program coordinates collective efforts for preparedness, response and recovery. The IAC vertical of Sphere India provides a momentous platform for collaboration and coordination with a robust preparedness and response during emergencies.
The Steering committee of IAC Vertical comprises of CARE India, Caritas India, Oxfam India, Handicap International, World Vision India and RedR India. Other members are TDHOH Foundation, Islamic Relief, Child Fund, IGSSS, CRS, Acted India, IPPF South Asia, and Change Alliance.
Broad Objectives of IAC Vertical:
1. Develop/strengthen State level capacities for coordination (IAGs)
2. Facilitate a common process for coordination of members, partners and other stakeholders for preparedness, response and recovery.
3. Government-NGO Coordination.
4. Joint Rapid Need Assessments, common monitoring and learning.